Sunday, October 28, 2012

Snoopy Street Fair Halloween Contest

Beeline has announced a Halloween garden decor contest.  There's not a lot of time and some players haven't had a chance to buy many of the new items yet, so chances will be limited. there will be five winners for this contest with a prize of 1000SDs each!

"All you have to do is submit a photo of your Fair or Garden in night mode that you've decorated for Halloween. The creators of the top FIVE (5) Fairs or Gardens as decided by Beeline will each be rewarded with ONE THOUSAND (1000) free Snoopy Dollars for their Snoopy's Street Fair.

The contest starts now and ends October 31st. The winners will be announced and contacted shortly there after to provide their information to Beeline."

Good luck!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Street Fair Halloween Update is Live

The Snoopy's Street Fair Halloween update is live! Lots of cool new items and decorations including a Trick or Treat stall, a day/night mode to finally use those street lights, and new garden items. The are also two new levels for a total of 52 and some new items to go along with them.

The garden includes a bonfire and witch's cauldron that look great at night. The street lights and garden lamps the street section now have coin and SD prices; need to figure that out. It looks like the majority of items will require catching them on the daily sales. I'm eager to test out the trick or treat stall and see how we'll it works with the kids trick or treating.

More details soon.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Street Fair Update 1.9 is Live

Snoopy's Street Fair update 1.9 is available on iTunes now! Details below