Thursday, February 7, 2013

Snoopy's Street Fair Update 1.14 is live

Snoopy's Street Fair Update 1.14 is live!

Kissing booth, rose seller, Snoopy Cupid and more included in this update. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day Update Coming and Thanks for the Gifts

According to Beeline, there should be another Snoopy's Street Fair update before Valentine's Day. Hopefully with some interesting new items.  I put my redecorating on hold when the snow arrived and I've been waiting for the next update before I start moving things around.  I want to set up a huge flower and water garden in the bottom section.

On another note, I'd like to thank the many friends that have gifted my Street Fair!  Unfortunately, you can only have 100 friends' fairs listed in your game and can't directly gift back.  So, I'll say thanks here to everyone I can't return the favor too.