Thursday, February 7, 2013

Snoopy's Street Fair Update 1.14 is live

Snoopy's Street Fair Update 1.14 is live!

Kissing booth, rose seller, Snoopy Cupid and more included in this update. 


  1. Where are these items? I don't see kissing booth, Cupid, etc. are they coming out later?

  2. Only saw Cupid in Exclusive Offer, could you tell me where's the other things :)?

  3. On the Valentine's Day splash screen which shows while loading the game it shows two kissing booths, a heart shaped mystery box, a boy in a tuxedo selling roses, a pink teddy bear, and a new mini game stall. Apparently these will all be offered in special sales, though for some reason they didn't start news sales the first day. My game currently indicates another 6.5 hours on the current sale, which would actually end 3:15pm! We'll have to see what happens.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Can one really get far without putting money on the account? Friend me BXTkkXw thanks for answering.
