Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Snoopy's Cash Dash Tactics Part 1: Continuous Cash Flow

I've been experimenting with Snoopy's Cash Dash over the past two weeks and have developed a great method for effectively using this tool to greatly increase your progress in the Street Fair.  The benefits are twofold. The first, which I will discuss in this post, is creating a continuous cash flow. The second, which will be discussed in Part 2, is for rapidly gaining experience points to level up.

You want to buy all those shiny new stalls and garden items for your Fair, but inevitably you always seem to be low on cash.  I've learned to use Snoopy's Cash Dash almost like a cheat for creating a continuous flow of coins when needed. A word of warning: this will require some of your time and involvement, but that dedication will pay off in multiple ways. This method will work best once you have completed a few levels and are starting to expand your neighborhood and can be used as a large part of your income until you start approaching level 30. At that point you'll need to make some adjustments.

The first thing you'll need is at least one or two expansions. You're going to need a good deal of sidewalk real estate for this to start working. The second, of course, is the Cash Dash stall. The third piece is the Soda Machine; lots of them! The Soda Machine is by far the quickest and most cost effective money maker in the game. At only $300 per unit, it pays for itself in only 10 one minute cycles. Also, at 30 coins per minute (I'll refer to this as cpm) it is the best of the quick cycling stalls until you get to the much more expensive pinball machine. To develop a continuous coin flow from these ingredients follow these steps:
  1. Start installing Soda Machines up an down an open section of sidewalk. The goal here is to have as many as possible in your fair. I set up 100 units.
  2. Start Snoopy's Cash Dash and see how long it takes him to gather all the coins. The key is to have enough units so that Snoopy doesn't finish his route before the stalls begin their next cycle. This way he stays out and creates a continuous flow of coins into your bank!
  3. Adjust your setup if needed to make sure Snoopy is staying out. Add more Soda Machines or move them to separate locations to make him travel farther. Another quick tweak is to toss in some other quick cycling units, such as Snack Carts or Watermelon stalls, to mix things up a bit.
I ran several tests with a mix of around 90 Soda Machines and 10-15 various other quick cycling stalls. The results were even better than I expected! My five minute runs ranged from 35,000 to 60,000 coins collected, or an average of 9,200 coins per minute! In the lower to mid levels this is a huge improvement over the available stalls.

Like I mentioned before, this method will require some dedication, but you'll rack up coins quickly. Snoopy is going to need to be reset periodically since he can quickly get overloaded when taking in a lot of coins at once. You'll just needed to collect the coin from him and tap the COLLECT icon again to set him on his way. Since you obviously won't be doing this 24/7, you'll also want to place some higher earning long cycle stalls in your fair so there will be a decent amount waiting whenever you return to the game. Choconana stalls are good at lower levels, then upgrading to Roast Nut stands when you reach the appropriate levels. Character stalls are always a good option too.

In Part 2 of Snoopy's Cash Dash Tactics I'll discuss the second, and even more effective, benefit of this method: Collecting experience points! The money generated by this method may not be as beneficial as you level up, but gaining quick XP becomes even more important as you'll need 20-25% more XP with each level! Stay tuned!

P.S. Please add our Fairs to your Neighborhood


  1. Please add me as well Gz7Pxz.
    Thank you for the great blog.

  2. I just added the 3 players listed on this page, my code if anyone wishes to add me is:


    Thanks! Cindie Lyn
