Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Snoopy's Cash Dash Tactics Part 2: XP Stream

In part 1 of this post I discussed my method for creating a money stream with Snoopy's Cash Dash. In this post I'll talk about the secondary, and more useful to some, benefit of this method: a super fast way to gain experience.

The setup is the same: 100 Soda Machines configured so Snoopy will take at least a minute to collect and thus stay out collecting continuously. The result of this was an average of 9,200 coins per minute in my tests. Initially I had developed this tactic with raking in cash in mind to save for future purchases. What I didn't expect was the amount of XP (experience points) that would also be collected.  Soda Machines produce a mere 15 XP per minute; half the amount of coins generated. What I didn't factor in was how many Snoopy sets, such as Flying Ace and Scout Master, that would be collected!

In my five minute test runs the average was 3 sets collected. So, not including the 15XP from each soda machine it breaks down as follows:

  • Level 18: 1600XP per minute
  • Level 27: 9000XP per minute
  • Level 33: 25600XP per minute
So, even as the monetary benefit begins to run out at higher levels this method still can be used to generate a large amount of XP if you are trying to level up quickly. You can also mix in Pinball Machines, which cycle every five minutes, to boost the number of coins collected during Cash Dash runs.

My current project has been finding a cost effective method for producing both coins and XP to match the continually increasing needs with each level. Post coming soon! As always, thanks for stopping by. You casubscribe to this blog with the link at the top right corner to be notified of new posts.

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